Incredible, remodel, top beautiful Tudor, In Park Hill’s finest blocks of huge estate lots where every home is immaculate! This landmark has been meticulously restored w/tremendous re-landscaped grounds, new; 2car garage, fencing & patio in addition to front & rear covered entries, repainted brick work, new shingles while maintaining classic appeal. Suburb open floor plan w/3beds up incld; new master mini suite, Liv/Din/Kit combined 4 maximum use of space, great 4entertaining, restored hrdwds thru-out, highend finishes, fixtures, cabs, tiles & slab granite’s enhance super bright feel. Expanded Bsmnt includes high ceilings, huge family rm w/south facing wndws & egress 2 bring in light. Private bdrm w/expanded egress, huge full basement & expanded lndry rm. All new systems; Electrical, plumbing, HVAC w/furnace in attic 2 maximize efficiency & use of space, central air & new sewer line. Blocks 2 shops, parks, museums, restaurants, golf Stapleton redevelopment & close 2 Downtown. Just review the pictures 2 see rare beauty of this fantastic home!
Please contact Scott Sabina for additional info
Sabina & Co, MB
Office 303-989-6800
Fax 303-988-8899